Monday, February 14, 2011

Bubble Time in the Bath

I decided to add bubbles to Hudson's bath tonight and he was in heaven. He kept trying to sit on the bubbles and roll around in them. After the bath he got to use his new Batman towel that Grandpa Matt gave him. He liked the fact that he could put his eyes through the holes of the towel. He is such a character!!!

Sunday, February 13, 2011


Hudson has not liked milk for the longest time. Finally he was watching Dave put milk in his coffee and he wanted to try it. We gave him a glass and his response was "I like it". That is his favorite response for everything now. He had a few sips and then he was done. Hopefully he will start to like it more now that Daddy drinks it!

Monday, February 7, 2011


Our child lives and breathes for the outside. Every morning he wakes up and ask to go outside. We finally got our patio done enought to play in the back now. He loves playing in the dirt with his trucks and bulldozers. Hopefully the grass will go in soon so we can really use our backyard!

Saturday, February 5, 2011


Hudson and Dave were relaxing in bed this morning. I walk in to find Dave on the ipad and Hudson on my iphone. They were too cute. Sorry if you got a random call from Hudson!