Saturday, February 27, 2010

Breakfast and Playtime with Daddy

Today Hudson had a fun day. We started off the day with Hudson's favorite breakfast, waffles... After breakfast he had fun riding around the house on his bike with his daddy. He just wants to keep going in circles until he gets off and decides that he wants to push it around. That doesn't go over too well because he can't steer and push at the same time.

Wednesday, February 24, 2010


We finally were able to put the monkey slippers on his feet. He thought they were pretty cool. He kept looking at them and smiling. Luckly he hasn't figured out that he can take them right off. We will see how long that lasts! He was not to pleased with me taking his picture this morning and he let me know it.

Monday, February 22, 2010

Comfy PJ's

Hudson got to wear his big boy pajamas today. He kept trying to unbutton his shirt. They are so cute on him. Thanks Aunt Joan and Uncle Marty.

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Fun in the Water

Today the weather was beautiful. It was in the high 70's so I decided to bring out a water toy for Hudson in the front yard. He was drenched when it was time to come in. He kept trying to dump all the water out of the table. Thank you Uncle David, Aunt Susan and the girls for the great xmas present. I am sure we will have tons of use for it this summer.

Monday, February 15, 2010


This weekend we went up to Carmel for my birthday to see Grandma Sharon and Grandpa Rob. We had a great time hiking, playing at the park and petting horses for the first time. Uncle Jason came up for a couple of days along with Aunt Cammy. It was great to see everyone. Hudson thinks Uncle J is so funny. Thanks for the great weekend!!!

Sunday, February 14, 2010

Carmel Part 2

Here are some other family photos from the weekend. Enjoy!

Tuesday, February 9, 2010


This morning Hudson had oatmeal for breakfast and he decided that he only wanted to feed himself. What a mess!!!! He was loving every minute of it which made the mess all worth it.

Saturday, February 6, 2010

Rocking out with Daddy

I walked into the den this evening and found Hudson on Daddy's lap listening to music with him. It was too cute to pass up the photo op. He was having so much fun and wasn't very happy when it was time to go to bed....

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Head Bump

Today Hudson decided to pull something off the desk and it landed right on his head. Now our child has a huge black and blue bump on his head. He was having fun putting the ice pack on his head. It was a game for him